About Me

Hello, Namaste, Hola & Salut!

Welcome to Shamika.in, a place where you'll find posts and articles on musings, opinions, books, travel, stock trading, trending topics & much more!

I first started blogging back in Mar'18 when I was 19 years old. The journey to here since then, has been nothing but a learning process; reading news articles, researching facts, putting them down in my own words, discussing it with people and passing in and out of multiple phases of writer's block.

The aim has been and always will be to write and cover as many topics and possible and hopefully, along the way, try to get YOU to relate to it as well. If not, then that's okay too. If you have a bone to pick (or have something good to make my day) go ahead and DM me and you'll see that I'm more than open to receiving feedback.

That being said, I hope what you read here is interesting, informative & fun. Here's to making you want to read more, more and much more of it, with every passing day!

Bon jour!


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